StreetSmart.Common.Interfaces.GeoJson Namespace

This namespace contains the interfaces to the objects for construct GeoJson


ICRS Spatial reference system of the geoJson feature
IDerivedData Derived data which contains the calculated data from the measurement
IDerivedDataLineString Derived data which contains the calculated data of a line measurement
IDerivedDataPoint Derived data which contains the calculated data of a point measurement
IDerivedDataPolygon Derived data which contains the calculated data of a polygon measurement
IDetails Details
IDetailsDepth Depth details
IDetailsForwardIntersection Smart click / Forward intersection Details
IDetailsSmartClick Smart click / Forward intersection Details
IDirection Direction
IFeature GeoJson Feature
IFeatureCollection GeoJson feature collection
IGeometry Geometry type
ILineString Line string geometry type
IMatrix Matrix definition
IMeasureDetails GeoJson Feature
IMeasurementProperties GeoJson Feature
IObservationLines Observation lines
IPoint Point geometry type
IPolygon Polygon geometry type
IPosition Position
IPositionStdev Position
IPositionXY Contains the XY position and the stdDev
IPositionXYZ Position
IProperties GeoJson Feature
IProperty Contains the value and the stdDev
IRecordingInfo Recording info
IResolution Resolution
IResultDirection Result direction of the observation
IResultDirectionOblique Result direction of the observation of a oblique image
IResultDirectionPanorama Result direction of the observation of a panorama image
IRotation Rotation definition
IStdev Position
ITriangle Contains a triangle of a polygon


CalculatedMethod calculatedMethod
CRSType The CRS type
CustomGeometryType Custom geometry type
FeatureType The feature types of a feature
GeometryType Defines the geometryType of a GeoJson
MeasurementTools measurement tool
MeasureMethod Measure method
PointProblems Point problems
Reliability Reliability