ICRS | Spatial reference system of the geoJson feature |
IDerivedData | Derived data which contains the calculated data from the measurement |
IDerivedDataLineString | Derived data which contains the calculated data of a line measurement |
IDerivedDataPoint | Derived data which contains the calculated data of a point measurement |
IDerivedDataPolygon | Derived data which contains the calculated data of a polygon measurement |
IDetails | Details |
IDetailsDepth | Depth details |
IDetailsForwardIntersection | Smart click / Forward intersection Details |
IDetailsSmartClick | Smart click / Forward intersection Details |
IDirection | Direction |
IFeature | GeoJson Feature |
IFeatureCollection | GeoJson feature collection |
IGeometry | Geometry type |
ILineString | Line string geometry type |
IMatrix | Matrix definition |
IMeasureDetails | GeoJson Feature |
IMeasurementProperties | GeoJson Feature |
IObservationLines | Observation lines |
IPoint | Point geometry type |
IPolygon | Polygon geometry type |
IPosition | Position |
IPositionStdev | Position |
IPositionXY | Contains the XY position and the stdDev |
IPositionXYZ | Position |
IProperties | GeoJson Feature |
IProperty | Contains the value and the stdDev |
IRecordingInfo | Recording info |
IResolution | Resolution |
IResultDirection | Result direction of the observation |
IResultDirectionOblique | Result direction of the observation of a oblique image |
IResultDirectionPanorama | Result direction of the observation of a panorama image |
IRotation | Rotation definition |
IStdev | Position |
ITriangle | Contains a triangle of a polygon |
CalculatedMethod | calculatedMethod |
CRSType | The CRS type |
CustomGeometryType | Custom geometry type |
FeatureType | The feature types of a feature |
GeometryType | Defines the geometryType of a GeoJson |
MeasurementTools | measurement tool |
MeasureMethod | Measure method |
PointProblems | Point problems |
Reliability | Reliability |