IAddressSettings | The address settings to use for address searches |
IBaseViewerOptions | Options to initialize the viewer with |
ICamera | Camera definition |
ICoordinate | Coordinate definition |
ICredentials | Credential information |
IDepthInfo | Triggers when the depth info is changed |
IDirectionInfo | Direction info |
IElevationInfo | Elevation info |
IExtent | Extent definition |
IFeatureInfo | Layer info |
IGeoJsonOverlay | Information about the overlay |
IImageCoordinate | Image coordinate definition |
IJson | JSon object which contains the properties in a key and value pair format |
ILayerInfo | Layer info |
IMeasurementOptions | Measurement options for start the measurement |
IObliqueImageInfo | Oblique image info |
IObliqueOrientation | Orientation Object that contains values. |
IObliqueViewerOptions | Options to initialize the oblique viewer with |
IOptions | Object containing the options used for initializing the API |
IOrientation | Orientation Object that contains values. |
IOverlay | Information about the overlay |
IPanoramaViewerOptions | Options to initialize the panorama viewer with |
IPointCloudViewerOptions | Options to initialize the point cloud viewer with |
IRecording | Information about the Recording |
IRecordingClickInfo | Triggers when a recording is clicked inside the PanoramaViewer. |
ITimeTravelInfo | Timetravel info |
IViewerOptions | The address settings to use for address searches |
IViewerTypes | Contains the viewerTypes of the open viewers |
IWFSOverlay | Information about the overlay |
BackgroundPreset | Defines the Background |
ColorizationMode | Definition of PointStyles |
MeasurementGeometryType | Defines the geometryTypes of the API |
MeasureMethods | Defines the measureMethod of the API |
PointCloudType | Defines the viewerTypes of the API |
PointSize | Definition of PointSize |
ProductType | ProductType of the recording. |
Quality | Defines the Quality |
TileSchema | TileSchema of the recording. |
Unit | Units of measurements / elevation |
ViewerType | Defines the viewerTypes of the API |