StreetSmart.Common.Interfaces.Data Namespace

This namespace contains the interfaces to different type of objects


IAddressSettings The address settings to use for address searches
IBaseViewerOptions Options to initialize the viewer with
ICamera Camera definition
ICoordinate Coordinate definition
ICredentials Credential information
IDepthInfo Triggers when the depth info is changed
IDirectionInfo Direction info
IElevationInfo Elevation info
IExtent Extent definition
IFeatureInfo Layer info
IGeoJsonOverlay Information about the overlay
IImageCoordinate Image coordinate definition
IJson JSon object which contains the properties in a key and value pair format
ILayerInfo Layer info
IMeasurementOptions Measurement options for start the measurement
IObliqueImageInfo Oblique image info
IObliqueOrientation Orientation Object that contains values.
IObliqueViewerOptions Options to initialize the oblique viewer with
IOptions Object containing the options used for initializing the API
IOrientation Orientation Object that contains values.
IOverlay Information about the overlay
IPanoramaViewerOptions Options to initialize the panorama viewer with
IPointCloudViewerOptions Options to initialize the point cloud viewer with
IRecording Information about the Recording
IRecordingClickInfo Triggers when a recording is clicked inside the PanoramaViewer.
ITimeTravelInfo Timetravel info
IViewerOptions The address settings to use for address searches
IViewerTypes Contains the viewerTypes of the open viewers
IWFSOverlay Information about the overlay


BackgroundPreset Defines the Background
ColorizationMode Definition of PointStyles
MeasurementGeometryType Defines the geometryTypes of the API
MeasureMethods Defines the measureMethod of the API
PointCloudType Defines the viewerTypes of the API
PointSize Definition of PointSize
ProductType ProductType of the recording.
Quality Defines the Quality
TileSchema TileSchema of the recording.
Unit Units of measurements / elevation
ViewerType Defines the viewerTypes of the API